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'The volunteers' have still been at it planting trees

A hedge for William Somerset, the Steyning Blacksmiths (Sussex Ironworks ) at Patching in the National Park. Our longest hedge yet 140m, 800 whips. All planted by SFT volunteers in just two and a half sessions. Mostly in beautiful sunny weather.
New Hedgs

Gapping up the new hedge on SDS with whips bought an provided by SFT.
Water on the path 
We are so pleased that some of you are supporting us when planting your own hedges now and taking the advice from our website about suitable mixes of hedging to plant to help our endangered species,  not a mono-culture.

All these hedges are so vital at this time of year to provide food for our poor birds trying to survive the wet and cold weather that we are experiencing. A winter buffet of berries, Hawthorn, Elder, Blackthorn, Dog Rose , Crab Apple, Holly, Hazel, and Ivy plus any fallen apples you still have, the blackbirds so enjoy them, all helps to keep them going when food is so scarce. Do remember to crack the ice when it freezes, they need access to water.
Hedge flowers

We want to help our birds and mammals to make it through to spring and the breeding season in good health, if we are going to stop the  terrible decline in biodiversity - so many endangered species that need our help.

Do remember the help that trees also give to humans, reducing stress. There is an article in Good Housekeeping - not our usual source, about Forest bathing - walking among trees We are all so lucky here in lovely Steyning to have access to Woodland. Not so for many who live in built up areas with no trees. This is all about connecting with nature via your senses.

Research has revealed this stress-easing activity can boost immunity, lower blood pressure and reduce stress, thanks to phytoncides compounds released by trees that reduce our stress hormone levels.

Find a forest or wood - Silence your phone - take a deep breath and walk slowly into the trees opening all your senses to sounds, smells and touching new textures. Sit with your back against a tree and be still for 15 minutes. Notice your breathing, everything around you and the leafy canopy above.

Walk out of the trees and check in with yourself to see how you feel. Hopefully calmer, more relaxed, less anxious. Repeat as often as you can - it's step by step medicine for the soul.

Trees are amazing in what they do for us!

After talks with Richard Goring he has asked SFT to help with the Estate’s plan to plant 1 km of hedge on higher ground to help reduce flooding at the west end of Steyning as it matures. This will also greatly increase biodiversity. Richard has also commissioned a consultant on additional methods to control flooding.
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