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The Steyning Downland Scheme: Brand new entrance gate and designer fire pit

The equivalent of the State Opening of Parliament happened today, with the grand opening of our brand new entrance gate and designer fire pit!

An enormous crowd of well-wishers gathered in 'classical' autumn weather to watch Richard Goring, Chair of the Trustees cut a environmentally friendly nature-ribbon, woven by SDS volunteers Mike & Jane, to formally declare our new gate open.

The day was the culmination of two years of dedication by an array of skilled artisans.

A huge 'thank you' to Ben Goldsmith, who built the 'backbone' of the gate from locally sourced hardwood; to local blacksmith, Lee Portwain for the fire pit and the ironwork for the gate; to Mike Ford for hanging the finished gate, to Tom Simmonds for all the finishing touches and last, but definitely not least, the students and staff from Steyning Grammar School who helped with the manufacturing process for both items, and made all the decorative creatures, supervised by the ever-present Kathleen Lamb.

Lastly a very special 'thank you' to our funders, the Anchor Foundation, Steyning Arts Society and Robin & Jan Hobson - none of this could have happened without you!

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