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The Lost Railway

For nigh on 3 years the Steyning & District Community Partnership Visitor & Tourism Committee, has been diligently working on producing 4 railway boards to depict the history of the 2 railway stations - Steyning & Bramber - and the Steyning Line; all no longer in existence.

To start the ball rolling, information was collected from Steyning Museum with more input coming from several other local railway enthusiasts, all in order to put together the intricate story of this Lost Railway.

Once this first stage was in place, it passed to design with a member of the V & T Committee creating some beautiful and detailed illustrations to accompany the text together with suggested materials to be used for the boards, etc. - a masterpiece.

Next on the list - sourcing the funding to enable us to produce the boards. We were very lucky to attract the enthusiastic and generous support of the South Downs National Park together with Community Rail Development Fund, who together jointly agreed to fund the project.

At last we could start production ! As well as depicting the railway history, there are also QR codes displayed that can be clicked on.
Lost Railway Q Codes

One will take you to more railway history from Steyning Museum; the next - ECHO - will give you audio commentary on the Steyning Line and the final one will link you to a fun Augmented Reality figure of a Station Master

The boards are to be found in the vicinity of the Bramber Roundabout - the Steyning Board standing on its own just below Bramber Castle and the other 3 are grouped on the pathway leading to the routes taking walkers and cyclists up to the Downs - sited behind some trees.
Railway Boards

This group is actually on the spot where Bramber Station once stood.

At this moment, the Committee are still working on a convenient date to officially celebrate the siting of these boards.

In the meantime they are there for all to see and enjoy - an interesting focal point to walk to when enjoying the Downs or the Downs Link, or even when you are just en route to Steyning or Bramber.

Please do look out for the date of the Celebration Day.

It will be a great occasion.
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