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Steyning For Trees: Events at the Festival

We are so happy to be supporting this great community event. Please book up.

A stall at the Greening Day on Saturday, 25th May showing Steyning's very own Wildlife Corridor hedges. Over 20 now sustaining and increasing biodiversity.

Thanks to those who have taken them on their land. Over 100 trees on verges with the help of residents.

We will be having a variety of Games for children and adults.

Wednesday, 29th May 11:00: Shooting Field Green BUG HUNT Survey for children and their parents. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Lots to learn and fun to be had.

Friday 31st May 11:00: WALK AND TALK from Steyning Centre. Hear the real story of
what Steyning For Trees are doing to help this lovely town. Flood resistance, Carbon and pollution capture, beautifying our streets, saving our birds mammals and invertebrates.

Providing the very air we breathe and a better future for the next generation.

Saturday 1st June: Wilton Park (Wiston House) 18:30 for 19:00 £12.50 inc. We are so pleased to welcome back to Steyning Dame Eleanor Jane Milner-Gulland, Professor of Biodiversity at Oxford University. She was a pupil at SGS and our Co-chair David Buckett taught her biology, this is why she is coming.

We will get an insight into what is really happening in the world 'environmentally' and reasons to be optimistic.

Talking about saving the Saiga antelope from extinction. The people of the Steppes so love this animal because, to them, it is a symbol of the wild steppes, of independence and freedom.

BUY YOUR TICKET quickly - this could be a sell-out.

We are so grateful to solicitors MAYO, WYNNE, BAXTER for their generous donation of £500 to the festival to support this talk arranged by SFT.

Rebecca Louis, a partner, a keen environmentalist, is letting her lawn grow to support the RHS message 'No mow May, Let it Bloom June'. She has extended this period and been rewarded by wild orchids in the grass.

SFT have been working with Rebecca and her family to plant a small hedge of mixed native species to protect them. This adds another stepping stone to our ever growing hedge/wildlife corridors throughout Steyning.
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