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No Dig Gardening!

Meet one of the leading British experts on Growing Vegetables

Greening Steyning are excited to announce Green Books, a monthly online discussion with leading environmental authors to engage, educate and inspire you.

The 60 minute online event is free, giving you the chance to ask the experts questions and learn about a wide range of topics from gardening to renewable energy, and biodiversity to mental health. This is part of our mission to become one of the greenest, healthiest and most sustainable communities in the UK.

As we enter into a new lockdown, this is the perfect time to learn new skills and our first talk will give you a whole new perspective on how to grow vegetables.

You can learn directly from author Charles Dowding, who will be talking about his latest book - No Dig Gardening - from weeds to vegetables on Thursday 4th February 19:30 - 20:30 online.

‘Charles has become the guru of no dig gardening. He’s a really good grower, organic, has fabulous produce and we went down to Somerset to see how he does it…. I’m a convert now, I want to dig as little as possible.’

Monty Don
BBC Gardeners World

Steyning Book Shop is offering a 15% discount on this fantastic book, which is an in-depth course for experienced gardeners or those new to no dig gardening.

This book is for anyone wishing to learn the no dig method from the beginning, or to consolidate what they already know: it helps readers to see the simplicity of no dig, why it works so well, and how much time they can save.

Tickets are free and available at:
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