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Henfield Theatre Company has 'Funny Turns'

We presenting another comedy for your enjoyment.

Written by David Hampshire, 'Funny Turns' is delightful, funny, sad, and exactly what good theatre is all about. It's a glimpse into an old-fashioned way of thinking and believing. It reminds us of that wonderful era long ago when we had no TVs, cell phones, videos, or social media and when entertainers devoted their lives to our amusement each at a cost to themselves.

Their life was artificial, insecure and rootless, yet it had an excitement and a charm that kept the actors acting and the comedians telling jokes. In a theatrical boarding house in the 1930s.

Performances are from Thursday 21st to Saturday 23rd March at 19:45 at The Henfield Hall, with a matinée at 14:30 on the Saturday. Tickets cost £13 per person for floor seating and £15 per person for raised seating.

On sale now via, and at Stevens Estate Agents in Henfield High Street
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