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Front Cover: Wendi Olofson

Wendi Olofson is an artist based in Steyning, working primarily in watercolours, inks and acrylics. She has explored many avenues of creativity throughout her life, from jewellery & silversmithing to textiles to interior design, but is concentrating on painting nowadays.

Wendi creates artwork that is deeply emotive, drawing inspiration from her appreciation for the world around her and her emotional inner world and personal experiences.

During the pandemic she found that painting was the only thing that would soothe the sharp pain of grief after the loss of her long term partner in 2020. It became a daily practice and an opportunity to experiment with many techniques as her artistic voice started to emerge.

Wendi's process involves exploring colours and textures in a loose, intuitive way, which reflect the chaos and beauty in everyday moments, and translating these into vibrant, vivid pieces.

From moody landscapes to bold abstract brush strokes and captivating combinations of colour, Wendi's paintings are an invitation to explore our deeper emotional and spiritual connection with the world around us.

Late Summer One - one of a series of ten watercolours painted with a three colour palette.
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