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Front Cover: Hattie Lockhart Smith

I Work in acrylic paint and monoprint on wooden panels combining the two techniques to create multilayered landscape inspired abstracts.

I enjoy spending time on the Sussex Downs taking photos and making sketches. I have found Mill Hill just above Shoreham a great place for inspiration, being able to see the river Adur, the Channel, the wind farm, the docks and the A27 flyover. I love the shapes of the manmade structures combined with the rhythms of the natural landscape which constantly inspire me.

I begin a new body of work by taking photos and some rough sketches to capture key elements of the space - this may be physical or emotional. Once back in the studio I print off the photos and develop any lines or shapes of interest.

The paintings, although initially inspired by the landscape, take on their own identity as the layers are added, evolving into colourful abstracts and reflect the benefits of spending time outdoors for both physical and mental wellbeing.

Please visit my website: for details of where you can see my work along with lessons I am running and how to get in touch.

You can also follow me on instagram @hattielockhartsmith.
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