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Everyone loves a freebie: Are you eligible for a Home Energy Grant?

Winter is upon us. 

Energy prices are still sky high.

We all know that investing in energy saving steps to make our homes cosier and more energy efficient would make sense.  

But where do you find the cash to do it?

You’ll be pleased to hear that there are some generous government grants available. But they all have different criteria and target audiences, and they keep changing. So finding out if you may be eligible is a bit of a maze.

To make life easier, Greening Steyning has come up with an Energy Grants Checklist which covers the four schemes currently available. It sets out the criteria and shows what you can get for free if you qualify.

Understandably, most are targeted at those on lower incomes who live in the draughtiest homes.

If this applies to you, or you have friends and family who might benefit, take a look at our freshly updated webpage which has all the info, and details of how to apply.


To chat further about the options, come along our next Home Energy Helpdesk in January 13th.
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