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Caring during COVID-19

This special piece of artwork was given to one of the St Barnabas House Hospice at Home nurses, Catherine, by a fellow healthcare professional, Karen, who works at Luton Hospital.

Based on a fictitious location, the sketch was based on a photograph, and shows how nurses are continuing to protect and care for people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Day in day out, the St Barnabas care team go above and beyond for the people they care for, both at the hospice and in people’s own homes across Worthing and surrounding areas.

Aspects of their jobs have changed considerably over the last few months due to COVID-19, and they have provided end-of-life care for more people in their own homes than ever before. But the team have risen to the challenge and continue to put the people who need them at the heart of everything they do.

Before we were confronted with the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organisation designated 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse. This personalised drawing really sums up what nursing at St Barnabas House – and hospices across the country – is all about. Offering specialised care and support to those who need it, in the place of their choice.

The skills, commitment and care of the St Barnabas nursing team make such a difference to so many lives – during the Year of the Nurse and beyond. But we couldn’t do this without you. Your support makes hospice care possible. Thank you.

Mandi Hirsch PR Communications Manager
Chestnut Tree House and St Barnabas House
Tel: 07770 982097
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