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Abbey Road Conservation Area

Open Day. Saturday 20th April 11:00 - 15:00

Tucked away behind the Church and next to Gatewick House grounds is the Abbey Rd Conservation Area.

We are having an Open Day here on 20th April to showcase this 4-acre site and its wonderful mix of habitats, including stream, pond, woodland, orchard, scrub and meadow.

Our volunteers and other experts will be on hand to explain what we have here, and to answer any questions you may have.

We will have a display of maps and pictures showing the history of the site.

Another display will show what plants and animals we’ve recorded in the 3 years we’ve been working here.

There will also be lots of nature-related activities for children.

We want to hear what you think about what we are doing here, and to collect ideas about how we can improve it even more.

Getting there: 
Limited car parking in Abbey Rd. But Fletcher’s Croft car park is just a 3-minute walk away.

Take the road between the Church and the Vicarage.
Turn right onto the footpath behind the vicarage.
Then take the left path, then left at Church Mead and you are there.

It will be signposted.
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