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Octonber: Hand and Wrist.

October 1st, 2023
Symptoms that occur at the hand and wrist include, pain, ache, weakness, numbness, restricted movement and tingling (Paraesthesia).
The wrist and hand are extremely complex and have the ability to move with more precision than any other region in the body. There are 19 bones in the hand alone, 8 in the wrist and 2 in the forearm.

The wrists purpose is to function as a flexible link between the hand and the forearm. Because of its complexity, the frequency and diversity of the actions it is utilised in, the wrist is particularly prone to overuse, misuse and trauma.

Symptoms that occur at the hand and wrist include, pain, ache, weakness, numbness, restricted movement and tingling (Paraesthesia).

Conditions treated:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - The carpal tunnel is a channel like structure through the wrist formed from bones and ligaments. Inflammation in this area can irritate the median nerve which passes through the tunnel. This can be painful, and cause numbness and tingling within the hand. Felt as pins and needles in the thumb, index and middle finger. Wrist, hand and finger stiffness often occurs, especially after rest. Often worse at night.

Tendonitis - Means inflammation of the tendons and is typically a repetitive strain injury. It is a common problem that can cause pain and swelling.

Tendinopathies: A gradual decrease in the strength of a tendon due to repetitive loading and often insufficient healing time between periods of stressful activity. Felt as pain at the wrist relating to specific activities.

Common in drummers, racquets sports, rowing and golf. It can also occur in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Sprain - Sprains are common injuries to the ligaments around the wrist joint. They are either caused by repetitive misuse or trauma and can cause swelling, pain and limit the use of the wrist and hand.

Strain - Strains are also common in the wrist, occurring when the muscles are stressed beyond their comfortable limits, perhaps by overt trauma or repetitive use. Repeated loading such as with computer work, sports and manual labour can result in the gradual build-up of small amounts of damage to the various structures at the wrist and hand usually resulting in pain during a task or compression of structures that run through this region.

De Quervian's Tenosynovitis - Inflammation of the layer of tissue surrounding the tendon in the thumb, causing pain with movement.

Trigger Finger - Prevents smooth movement within the fingers causing 'locking' or 'catching'. It occurs when the tissues surrounding the finger tendons become inflamed and thickened. Caused by an increased friction of the tendon as it slides through its guiding sleeve at the finger. Associated with repetitive finger movement, sometimes initiated by a knock or blow (trauma).

Arthritic Pain: Aches and pain caused by osteoarthritis can be helped by techniques that improve joint mobility and reduce excess tension in the surrounding musculature.

Referred pain: Problems affecting muscle that originate from the elbow and forearm can be felt as pain at the wrist.

At Well Adjusted Health during an Initial Consultation Mark would assess the area and part of his diagnostic process is to determine whether your pain is referred or primarily caused by a problem at the site of your pain. This is why you are asked to complete a comprehensive health questionnaire in order to gather as much history as possible.
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