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November: Back Care Awareness Week.

November 1st, 2023
To help empower the UK population to combat their back pain, aches and strains they shared a few simple and quick tips, tricks and hacks for you to include in your daily routine to help ease back pain.
How the British Chiropractic Association is supporting the UK’s back health.

The British Chiropractic Associations (BCA) recent report in partnership with One Poll, explored the impacts of musculoskeletal (MSK) issues facing the UK public and found that back pain is an issue that is sweeping the nation – as a surging number of the public report suffering with aches and pains.

As part of this year’s Back Care Awareness Week (2-7 October), they were looking to empower the UK population to look after their back and joints through simple lifestyle changes, after finding that nearly 73% of British people are struggling with back pain on a daily basis.

With the ongoing NHS strikes and GP waiting times continuing to rise, they found that nearly half (43%) of people who are suffering from joint and back pain admitted they avoid seeing their GP, which could lead to some conditions worsening as a result of not seeking medical attention.

What the report did show is that the UK public is investing its efforts into preventative care, with 60% using exercise to manage their back and joint pain. The study also found that:

• Almost a quarter (22%) of British people have taken up to 5 months off work due to their bone and joint pain.
• Over half (52%) of British people have lived with bone and joint pain for more than 12 months.
• A third of British people (33%) haven’t seen a GP to treat their bone and joint pain as they struggled to get an appointment.

To help empower the UK population to combat their back pain, aches and strains they shared a few simple and quick tips, tricks and hacks for you to include in your daily routine to help ease back pain.

1. Take a stand: Inactivity is a leading cause of back pain. If you spend most of your day sitting down, make sure that you take regular breaks, ideally every 20-30 minutes. Stand up, change position and walk around a little.

2. Stretch it out: If you struggle to get away from your desk at work, simple activities such as stretching, shoulder shrugging or even fidgeting in your seat can help to keep your back in line.

3. Get active: Exercise is key to a healthy back. This doesn’t mean that you need to embark on any extreme fitness regimes. Adding just a few extra minutes of walking a day can hugely benefit your back health.

4. Check your workspace: If your job primarily involves sitting at a desk and staring at a computer for hours at a time, make sure your workspace is set up to support a comfortable position. This is different for everyone, so if you don’t feel comfortable in your current set up, try altering the height of your chair or screen.

5. Straighten Up! Try incorporating some simple exercises into your daily routine. The BCA has developed a series of simple exercises designed to improve your posture and prevent back pain by promoting balance strength and flexibility in the spine. These can be found on the BCA website.

About the British Chiropractic Association: The BCA is the largest and longest-standing association for chiropractors in the UK and has been named ‘Best Professional Body of the Year’ at the Memcom Excellence Awards 2022 for its Repositioning Project which has played a pivotal role in changing the healthcare landscape for the better.

As well as promoting international standards of education and exemplary conduct, the BCA supports chiropractors to progress and develop to fulfil their professional ambitions with honour and integrity, at every step. The BCA is raising awareness about the rigour, relevance and evidence driving the profession and the association’s ambition for chiropractic to be more closely embedded within mainstream healthcare.

The BCA is the home for chiropractors who provide patient-centred, evidence-based care and offer full transparency to their patients. Through the Patient Charter BCA chiropractors provide reassurance to their patients and that they will empower them to make an informed decision about their treatment.

Mark Jones at Well Adjusted Health is a member of the BCA and additionally has been awarded The Patient Partnership Quality Mark (PPQM) consistently since 2016.

The PPQM is awarded by The Royal College of Chiropractors to recognise excellence in terms of meeting patient expectations. Practices are required to demonstrate this in a wide range of areas covering all aspect of patient and practice management.

If you have a specific question regarding any pain or problem areas, or would like to book a Free 15 minute Check for you or your family please call: Well Adjusted Health on 01903 892171
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