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Muscle Spasms and Cramp

July 1st, 2022
A muscle spasm is simply a shorter version of a muscle cramp.
If you’re looking for a muscle spasm solution, first you must understand what a muscle spasm or cramp is. A muscle spasm is simply a shorter version of a muscle cramp. This means that it may last just a few seconds, through to a few minutes. It will often feel like a ‘spike’ or ‘jolt’ in pain, accompanied by an obvious feeling of tightening in the muscle.

What is a Muscle Spasm and a Muscle Cramp?

A muscle cramp is a sudden, forceful and involuntary contraction of muscle. It’s usually common in the lower leg and can often affect people at night time. A sustained cramp can affect someone anywhere in the body, including the lower back, neck or shoulder.

Causes of Cramp & Muscle Spasms:

Chemical or Neurological Causes:
It’s important to note that recurrent or unexplained cramps can be caused by chemical imbalance or a neurological condition.

Often these cramps are in the night time and mostly affect the lower leg. That is why when looking at the symptoms, Mark at Well Adjusted Health will discuss with you in your consultation some lifestyle factors such as hydration and exercise. Remember that tea, coffee and alcohol tend towards dehydrating you.

Certain medications can also have cramping or spasming listed as one of their side effects. If there is a suspicion that any of these factors are causing your condition, then referral back to your GP or for nutrition advice may be advisable.
Mechanical Causes:
The second major cause of cramp and spasm is perceived threat to that area of the body. When your body has a site of damage, it will work to protect the area. Muscles cramping or spasming is a completely normal reaction to this threat. It is not always a bad thing. You could need this protection (for example if you have sprained a joint).

Quite a lot of the time though, the spasm or cramping is undesired because it is an overreaction. This is especially true if the spasm comes ‘out of the blue’, as it so often does. It’s our job to work out why.

Relief Chiropractic Muscle Spasm solution for Spasms & Cramps:
In the acutely painful stages, you may need medication as a muscle spasm solution to see you through the more severe spasms or cramps. Painkillers or muscle relaxants are sometimes essential to allow your body to stop overreacting.

If the spasm is as a result of a fall or trauma we may well advise you to go back to your GP to have an X-Ray as well. There is always a reason for them happening.

At Well Adjusted Health, we work together to focus in on the primary problem causing the cramp or spasm. By doing this, through specifically targeted treatment we can allow your body to heal naturally. If possible, without having to resort to medication, surgery or other invasive interventions.

Prognosis of a Cramp or Muscle Spasm:
As you can imagine, chiropractic treatment for spasm & cramps completely depends on the cause. A cramp caused by a lack of hydration will mean that proper exercise and lifestyle changes should clear it up within a few weeks, perhaps with treatment as appropriate to manage the muscle health.

However, regular muscle spasms caused by a chronic dysfunction of the lower spine might suggest a course of chiropractic adjustment over a period of 1-2 months, depending on the case.

Massage Therapy for Muscle Spasm and Muscle Cramp:
Massage therapy directly works with the muscular tissue, as well as the nearby tendons and other soft tissues. Sometimes a massage on the muscles surrounding the area is exactly what it needs and helps the general health of the muscle. This can reduce spasms and cramps, particularly if the problem is localised to that area.

What’s The Bottom Line?
Chiropractic care is proven to be an effective muscle spasm solution. We would tend to suggest that muscle cramps and spasm aren’t ‘normal’ and therefore it would be worth seeking a professional’s opinion.

Many of our patients visit Mark as they really prefer the gentle techniques that he practices.

If you would like to talk to us about how we can help you, please do not hesitate to call us.

If you have a specific question regarding any pain or problem areas, or would like to book a Free 15 minute consultation for you or your family please call: Well Adjusted Health on 01903 892171
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