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February 23: Neck Pain

January 29th, 2023
Neck pain is very common. Most people will suffer one or more episodes of neck pain during their lives. In many cases, it starts suddenly and gets better quickly, without the need for any treatment.

However, neck pain can be painful, debilitating and persistent, and some people suffer repeated episodes. It can also be associated with other symptoms, such as arm pain or headaches.  Neck pain may start following a traumatic incident, such as a road traffic collision, or it may start gradually, with many factors influencing it.

Simple neck pain can be caused by many things and lead to tension in the neck or shoulders. Poor sleeping patterns or an awkward sitting position can cause strains and sprains in the soft tissue of the neck. Sports injuries and minor falls, especially with children can all bring on a pain in the neck!

As we get older, wear and tear may contribute to neck pain. The shock-absorbing pads between the bones of the neck (known as intervertebral discs) can narrow with age and this can cause stiffness, pain and make it difficult to move.

Simple neck pain is relatively common. Less frequently, the nerves in the neck can become trapped, compressed or irritated. There can be many reasons why this happens but damaged discs or wear and tear can lead to pain spreading to the shoulder and arm. This can be accompanied by pins and needles, tingling, numbness and weakness in all or part of the arm or hand.

Although it can be very painful, neck pain rarely has a serious underlying cause. Seeing a qualified health professional, such as a chiropractor, who is experienced in diagnosing conditions of the neck and spine, can help treat neck pain, and will also identify if a referral or specialist investigation is needed.

Mark Jones, at Well Adjusted Health comments that Neck Pain is one of the main reasons that people come to visit him at his practice. 'Many people are put off going to see a chiropractor as they hear about the neck and back cracking, but here at Well Adjusted we offer a really gentle technique that is much more comfortable and I think, much more effective. I even treat new born babies!'

'Many patients like to come and talk to us about their condition and the treatment we offer before they commit, and we are always happy to do that.'

If you are experiencing aches and pains, or would like to chat to Mark about this in
more detail you are welcome to come in for a FREE 15 minute assessment.
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