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August: Jaw Tension and Chiropractic

August 1st, 2023
Chiropractic care can offer potential benefits in addressing jaw tension and related conditions.
Jaw tension, often accompanied by symptoms like jaw pain, headaches, difficulty opening or closing the mouth, and clicking or popping sounds in the jaw joint, can be a result of various factors, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, stress, teeth grinding, or misalignment of the jaw or cervical spine.

Chiropractic care can offer potential benefits in addressing jaw tension and related conditions.

Here's how chiropractic care can help:
Assessment and Diagnosis: A chiropractor will conduct a thorough examination to assess the alignment of the jaw joint, neck, and spine. They will evaluate muscle tension, joint movement, and any signs of misalignment that may contribute to jaw tension and related symptoms. This evaluation helps in formulating an appropriate treatment plan.

Spinal and Jaw Adjustments: Chiropractors use gentle, targeted adjustments to realign the spine, including the neck and jaw. These adjustments can relieve tension and restore proper joint function, reducing the strain on the jaw muscles and promoting relaxation.
Soft Tissue Techniques: Chiropractors may employ soft tissue techniques, such as trigger point therapy or myofascial release, to address muscular tension and tightness in the jaw and surrounding areas. These techniques help relax the muscles, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain.

Posture and Ergonomic Recommendations: Chiropractors can provide guidance on improving posture and ergonomics, as repetitive strain can contribute to jaw tension. They may suggest exercises, stretches, or lifestyle modifications to help maintain proper alignment and reduce unnecessary stress on the jaw joint.

Collaborative Approach: In some cases, jaw tension may require a multidisciplinary approach. Chiropractors may work in conjunction with dentists or other healthcare professionals, to provide comprehensive care and address underlying factors contributing to jaw tension.

It's important to note that the treatment approach may vary depending on the individual and the specific cause of jaw tension. Chiropractic care can be an effective non-invasive option for many individuals experiencing jaw tension, but it's crucial to consult with a qualified chiropractor to determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on your specific needs and condition.

At Well Adjusted Health we are always happy to talk through how we approach your treatment plan which is why we offer a free 15-minute assessment. This gives you an opportunity to meet Mark and establish if you think chiropractic would work for you.

If you would like a check or to discuss how we may be able to help you call us for a FREE no obligation 15-minute assessment.

If you have a specific question regarding any pain or problem areas, or would like to book a Free 15 minute consultation for you or your family please call Well Adjusted Health on 01903 892171
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