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The Steyning Arts Society: Russian History as depicted by 19th Century Painters

Monday 14th October - 10:00 - 12:00Steyning Centre, Fletchers Croft, Steyning, BN44 3XZRussia in the second half of the nineteenth century was a cultural powerhouse.

The novelists (Tolstoy, Dostoevsky...) and composers (Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky...) are well known.

The painters are not. But the period saw a new realist school of art, the “Itinerants”, which broke violently with the earlier academicism and, in the run up to the revolutionary twentieth century, ruthlessly depicted and criticized Tsarist Russia with all its flaws.

Tony Brenton takes a tour through itinerant art and its interactions with the vast, repressed and unruly Russia that it both loved and detested.
Free to members £5.00 donation for visitors

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Tony Brenton takes a tour through itinerant art and its interactions with the vast, repressed and unruly Russia that it both loved and detested. Further details:
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