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Give Your Stuff Away Day to become a regular event

Our trial run with the new style Give Your Stuff Away Day was such a success that we’re going to make it a regular event.

We’ll repeat it on the first Sunday of each the next three months, starting on August 2nd.

Instead of bringing them to the Catholic Church, the idea is to leave unwanted items outside your home. People can then go around with a wheelbarrow or trolley to pick up anything that catches their eye – and all for free.

Here’s a reminder of how it works:
•    Put things you'd like to give away in a box or neat pile on your driveway or front garden from 1 pm. Please don't block the pavement!

•    Only put things out that can easily be carried home.

•    Put up a sign saying 'Give Your Stuff Away Day - Help Yourself!' Posting a photo on social media with the hashtag #GYSAD will also help.

•    Use common sense on social distancing and hand washing.

•    Home owners make sure you take back in anything that's left at 4 pm. We don't want to be accused of community fly tipping!

•    If the weather’s looking dodgy, just give it a miss and wait till next month!
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