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Front Cover: ‘Messing about in boats’ - Polly Finch - Papercuts Artist

Polly has lived in Sussex for over 30 years and has been based in Steyning with her family for the last 13 years.

A self taught paper artist, has been working in this medium for 10 years. More recently has also been working in pencil creating a series of illustrative drawings based on her imagination.

All papercuts are hand-cut using a scalpel and 10A blade which results in each piece being unique.

Uses a range of paper mediums, from cartridge paper to old books, as well as drift wood, wire, beads and other objects for 3-dimensional pieces.

She has also branched out into making handmade lampshades using digital prints of her papercut designs. Each design, size and colour is produced in 50 Limited Editions.

You can find her work at the Basement Gallery, High Street, Steyning, online in her Etsy Shop ‘pollypapercuts’


Facebook: pollypapercuts - Instagram: pollypapercuts
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