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Achieve Your Goals.

Think back to January 1st Did you make any resolutions?
To shed 30lbs / pay of the credit card / start your own business?
How are you doing? Truth is few people ever achieve their goals, but some do! How do they do this?

Set a time limit: 'I want to set up my business two months.' Then write down every step you think of you need to take to achieve it. Be thorough. Does two months still seem reasonable? Would twelve months be more realistic? The more you get into it and break it down the more manageable the little steps will seem and the more tangible the big goal.

Set micro goals: Each time you achieve a goal it motivates you to achieve another. Now you’ve broken your big goal into micro goals take the first one, set a time limit and do it. If you want to lose weight the first step might be to research different methods (Weightwatchers / 5:2 / calorie counting etc.) and choose one by Friday. When you’ve done that move on to the next micro goal: you might book a health check to ask about blood pressure / blood sugar etc… so you have a starting point to work from and compare with as you make progress.

Only set important goals: Any worthwhile goal requires you to do things you would prefer not doing (e.g. saying no to cream donut if you’re trying to shed weight, or restrict your spending if you’re trying to cut debt). If your goal is not your priority, you won’t do what’s required to achieve it because the prize isn’t important enough. You have to want it badly!

Identify the biggest obstacle: If there’s more than one potential obstacle make a list. Work out in advance how you will deal with them. Maybe you want to reduce your debt but are scared to open unpaid bills and see just how much you owe. Perhaps enlist the help of a trusted friend or mentor to sit with you and support you. Or maybe there is a local free debt advice charity you could contact. Ask, 'Am I willing to do/make sacrifices?' – Be honest. If the answer is no you’re setting yourself up for failure. Maybe now is not the right time for you.

Work your plan: Check in with your plan on a daily basis and ask, ‘What am I going to do today to move towards my goal?' You’ll need resolve and discipline because some days you won’t feel like doing it. If this happens don’t beat yourself up, just get back on the plan the next day.

Hold yourself accountable: This is the number one key to success and it’s the one that trips most people up. It’s your life and your goal. Hold yourself accountable to working your plan, and refuse to make excuses.

Enjoy the journey: Encourage yourself daily as you might encourage your best friend. Congratulate yourself when you do things that challenge you or you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone. As you reach each micro goal, reward yourself.

Remember success isn’t a destination it’s a journey. Happy travelling! By Sarah Davey
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