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Steyning shock at Quarry plans

The recently released WSCC Joint Minerals Local Plan proposes to excavate silica sand at Ham Farm, opposite Wiston Pond along the A238, and within 1 mile of the playing fields of Steyning Grammar School.

If the excavation work was to go ahead, Steyning residents would experience a substantial increase in lorry traffic, noise and air pollution, and the surrounding countryside would lose a large area of outstanding natural beauty. It is also feared that the quarry will in future be used for inert landfill waste.

The County Council has arranged a period of consultation for resident feedback. But with a response deadline of 17 June, many see the plans as being intentionally rushed through to give local people little time to fully oppose the excavation site.

"The Parish Council was disappointed at the short notice we have been given for consultation and will be trying to ensure proper representation of the views of Steyning Residents before a decision is made," says Council Chariman, Steve Northam.

Steyning Parish Council is now setting up a residents' Action Group consisting of council members and local residents to oppose the excavation plans and ensure the Leader of WSCC, Louise Goldsmith, and other key players, are challenged with as many responses and requests as possible.

Local County Councillor, David Barling, has also added his weight behind opposing the WSCC excavation plans. "I will do my best to contest the allocation of the site for a sand pit.  Ultimately, this will be going before West Sussex County Council in October, but there should be other opportunities along the way for me to make representations to colleagues to gather support to oppose this".

"Residents should not have to put up with what will become a substantial blot on the landscape for some 20 years to come.  There will also be a substantial number of additional lorry movements on a dangerous road by a blind bend. Even if the plan, once adopted, allocates the site for mineral extraction this will still require the owner to make an application for planning permission."

Have your say
Consultation Response Forms are available from Steyning Library or online at: Sign the petition against the Joint Minerals Local Plan for Ham Farm at: or at Sussex Produce Company, Steyning High Street.
By Liz Trundle -
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