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Steyning Festival Starts this month!


Programmes won't be distributed house-by-house this year: in 2014 a lot of them didn't survive the real-world junk mail filter - or perhaps the dog.  Instead, they will be available at almost as many locations as there are events (123 and 124 respectively, since you ask), including in many of Steyning's fine retail outlets where you will see stickers saying "Get Your Programme Here!".  And of course full details are on the Festival website.

Look out for the Festival's Big Top marquee.  Actually you won't be able to miss it, as it will preside over Cuthman's Field like Steyning's very own Brighton Pavilion.
The organisers hope you enjoyed their little April Fool about erecting a life-size replica of Rio de Janeiro's statue of Christ the Redeemer on top of Chanctonbury Hill.  Interestingly, quite a few people said they would like to see something of the sort actually built there - a sort of Angel of the South - but no doubt the planning process would be extremely challenging!

Steyning Good Neighbours have kindly offered to help with transport to events for those who are unable to get there under their own steam.  They will pick you up at your front door, drive you to the venue entrance and then back home at the end.  Passengers are asked to donate towards the cost of the service with a typical return journey in Steyning costing £5. Phone 816181 to make a booking.

You can keep up to date with the Festival on Facebook at and Twitter at @Steyning_Fest

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